Friday, August 21, 2009

Welcome to La Vie Boheme

...up the hill (pant) and down again (sigh) and up the hill (pant) and... now I'm ready to board!

It's been a hectic period, but hey I'm ready for take off. It's just a hop, skip and a jump away. Korea! Here I come!

My life seems suddenly charmed, like I snatched the gold finger of Midas... New life is the spring of eternal hope and joy. All's right with the world. Deo Gratias!

Congratulations to my cousin Janine, on the birth of her baby boy, Kelsy. He is soooo adorable!

I was so glad to be reunited with my "long-lost" cousin Doane. It was such a great and wonderful surprise to see him again. And his wife and kids. Beautiful!

All the blood, sweat and tears have finally paid off and I'm now ready to explore. Word has it that there are many good things in the offing -- so, with the sun at my back and the journey of a thousand miles before me -- my sights are now set on the future.

This is yet the first of many blogs to come. You're welcome to join me on my sojourn.

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